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  • Writer's picturesmithnicole428

16 June. Lockdown day 82

Lockdown hair! The situation is getting rough. My split ends are now drying before I can finish rinsing my hair and I have 4 different colours on my head. The grey is intentional though, being youthful at the detriment of my wallet and full head of hair just doesn't seem worth it anymore. Yes, I do sit at the hair salon with foils covering the larger part of my grey while I dye the rest of my hair. Except, I haven't seen a hair salon since early March. No one has. If you have, well done to you, but also could you not just have joined the rest of us that are donning the new lockdown "shabby-chic"? Or in a lot of our cases more shabby than chic. At this stage in our lockdown, where salons are still closed, I'm still closer to doing a "Britney" than dying my own hair, because I'm that bad at dying my own hair. For now I trust in the split end flattening power of GHD and pretending my orange/brown/blonde/grey is totally the look I'm going for.

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